FAQ - Badnava
Products cover


Frequently asked questions


Do I need an account to place an order?

I placed my order, what’s next?

I have forgotten my password, what should I do?

Can I reserve an item to buy later?

Do you offer customization options for jewelry?

Where can I find size conversion charts?

Shipping & Delivery

How will my order be shipped?

How will my order be packaged?

How can I track my order?

How long does it take to get my order?

How much will I be charged for delivery?

Cancellation, Return, Refund & Exchange

How can I cancel my order?

What is your return policy?

What is your return process and how can I claim my refund?

What is your exchange process?

What is your exchange policy?


What payment methods do you accept?

Is my personal and payment information secure on your website?

When will my card be charged?

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